Clinical Care Aged
Care Conference 2025
DAY 1 - Wednesday 13th August, 2025
0915 - 0930
Intro & Setting the Scene
Whether in a home, community care or residential setting the quality of clinical care provided is a key determinant of an older person's quality of life. Let's start the conference ...
Wayne Woff - Senior Consultant, AHCE & Conference Chair
0930 - 1005
Clinical Governance & Leadership - great Clinical Care needs great foundations!
Proactive & positive leaders implementing a great clinical care governance framework are pivotal to success - let’s kick off the conference with a roadmap for how to make this a reality!
Angelika Koplin - MHSC, Principal Consultant Aged Care Strategies and Support
1005 - 1045
Psychological Safety, Clinical/Personal Care & Team Work
This session will explore the journey undertaken by ARRCS to recognise & implement the optimal psychological work environment for leaders & team members to excel in the provision of high quality clinical/personal care to clients.
Rebecca West - Manager - Leadership Development and Organisational Culture, ARRCS
1045 - 1115
AM Tea - Trade Display & Networking
1115 - 1200
Incontinence Associated Dermatitis – let’s look a bit further ...
Quality continence care is the cornerstone of IAD prevention and management. This session will explore best practice and evidence in IAD management and how this practice can help you meet the new quality indicator for IAD.
Janie Thompson - Nurse Continence Specialist and National Continence Helpline Manager, Continence Foundation of Australia
1200 - 1245
Clinical cornerstones for high quality Medication Management (Part 1)
A session to review the key pillars for person centred, therapeutic & safe use of medications. A great opportunity to review how strong your Medication ‘infrastructure’ & policies/procedures are.
Neil Petrie - BPharm, MPS, AACPA. Consultant Pharmacist at PRN Consulting
1245 - 1345
Lunch - Trade Display & Networking
1345 - 1430
Clinical supervision & education of your clinical/care team
A key element of high quality clinical care is knowledge. Care delivered must also be appropriately monitored & supervised. Let’s explore contemporary approaches to clinical supervision & education for staff … to ensure that we are not expecting or assuming too much!
Allison Patchett - Managing Director, The Leadership Place
1430 - 1515
Recognition of dying & end-of-life care
A fundamental first step in providing high quality end-of-life care is to recognise when a person needs it. Recognising when a person is dying allows the clinical/care team to support a person and their families/friends to achieve the quality of life & wishes in their remaining time. A seemingly simple yet potentially complex clinical care challenge.
Jude Bulten - Nurse Practitioner, Residential In Reach, Grampians Health, Vic.
Joanna Lane Welsh - Nurse Practitioner, Loddon Mallee Regional Specialist Palliative Care Consultancy Service, Vic.
1515 - 1545
PM Tea - Trade Display & Networking
1545 - 1630
Prevention / management of Hospital admissions
In managing the clinical care of older adults receiving community based or residential aged care services, what are the keys in preventing &/or managing hospitalisation? Does your organisation have clear structures & strategies? A great chance to reflect & review.
Deanne Burge - Residential In Reach - Older Persons Nurse Practitioner | HIP & TCP | Northeast Health Wangaratta, Vic.
0915 - 0930
Intro & Setting the Scene
Whether in a home, community care or residential setting the quality of clinical care provided is a key determinant of an older person's quality of life. And so to Day 2 ...
Wayne Woff - Senior Consultant, AHCE & Conference Chair
0930 - 1015
Evidence Based Practice - if not, why not?
What are the key pillars in our clinical care policies, procedures & practice? Is the foundation contemporary, Evidence Based & constantly updated as necessary? Essential questions for the delivery of high quality clinical care.
Deirdre Fetherstonhaugh - PhD, Director/Professor, Australian Centre for Evidence Based Aged Care (ACEBAC)
Dr Anne-Marie Mahoney - Research Fellow, Education & Evaluation Coordinator, Australian Centre for Evidence Based Aged Care (ACEBAC)
1015 - 1045
The impact of movement on clinical care & quality of life for older adults can be far reaching & under estimated. Let’s talk pain management, falls prevention, skin care/wounds, respiratory/cardiac function, continence, safety (client & staff) … and much more. A session to remind & reinforce that #MovementMatters.
Ash Porwal - Founder & Director at Aged Care Physiotherapy Pty Ltd
1045 - 1115
AM Tea - Trade Display & Networking
1115 - 1200
Clinical cornerstones for high quality Medication Management (Part 2)
The second part of the session to review the key pillars for person centred, therapeutic & safe use of medications. A great opportunity to review how strong your Medication ‘infrastructure’ & policies/procedures are.
Neil Petrie - BPharm, MPS, AACPA. Consultant Pharmacist at PRN Consulting
1200 - 1245
Clinical Care update - Did you realise that?
A session to touch on a number of topics not covered in the other Conference sessions. Guidelines, resources, clinical care changes, best practice updates, case studies … high value information to enhance your practice.
Jo Kelly - Nurse Practitioner, Mentor, Clinical Educator
1245 - 1345
Lunch - Trade Display & Networking
1345 - 1430
Clinical Care Review / Evaluation - fabulous, flawed or futile?
Response to care, effectiveness, outcomes, goals, measurements, client/family input … how comprehensive & contemporary are your processes in this vital practice area? Meaningful or just a date in the diary for Mary to be Resident of the Day?
Deirdre Fetherstonhaugh - PhD, Director/Professor, Australian Centre for Evidence Based Aged Care (ACEBAC)
Dr Anne-Marie Mahoney - Research Fellow, Education & Evaluation Coordinator, Australian Centre for Evidence Based Aged Care (ACEBAC)
1430 - 1515
Mouth Care Matters: Oral health - a pivotal clinical care area for older adults.
This session will provide 6 key reasons why oral health for older adults should be a priority & 6 key ways to make this happen.
Cathryn Carboon - Registered Dental Hygienist, DHAA VIC Chair, Professional Educator
1515 - 1530
Conference wrap & close
A final summation of the 2 days of learning, sharing & discussion ...
Wayne Woff - Senior Consultant, AHCE & Conference Chair
DAY 2 - Thursday 14th August, 2025

All Enquiries to the AHCE Team - contact@agedandhealthcareeducation.com.au
Wayne Woff Senior Consultant
0422 484 209 | wayne@agedandhealthcareeducation.com.au |